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Sakai-Kozawa Residence/Tokio Florist and Pole Sign
The Sakai-Kozawa family owned and operated their longtime floral business, Tokio Florist, from 1960 to 2006. In November 2019, Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM) designation of the property was approved by the City Council.
As of September 2024, new ownership of the Sakai-Kozawa Residence/Tokio Florist and Pole Sign HCM #1198 is developing concept plans for a boutique hotel and restaurant/bar that includes adaptive reuse of the historic house and garage and related new construction at the rear of the property. The property was previously owned by RedCar, who purchased the property in 2019 from the Sakai-Kozawa family. Any new project at the landmarked property will require review by LA City Planning’s Office of Historic Resources. We are committed to working with new ownership to ensure the property's important history and features are not lost as a new use is realized. We will share more information as it becomes available.
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Issue Details
Development Approval Process
On November 27, 2019, the City Council approved the nomination of the Sakai-Kozawa Residence/Tokio Florist and Pole Sign as a Historic-Cultural Monument.