Press Release: L.A. Conservancy Announces Recipients of the 2024 Preservation Awards

L.A. Conservancy Announces Recipients of the 2024 Preservation Awards

LOS ANGELES, April 2, 2024—The Los Angeles Conservancy is thrilled to announce the winners of the 2024 Preservation Awards, recognizing exceptional achievement in the field of historic preservation in Los Angeles County. The breadth of projects reflects a wide range of efforts to preserve L.A. County’s cultural and architectural heritage. Winning projects will be recognized at a spectacular celebration on Thursday, May 16th, at the Netflix Egyptian Theatre, winner of the 2024 Chair’s Award.
For more than forty years, the L.A. Conservancy has recognized some of Los Angeles County’s most noteworthy efforts to preserve architecturally and culturally significant historic resources—showcasing the power of historic preservation as a beacon of the past and future.
Each year, an independent jury of experts in architecture, preservation, and community development selects a distinguished group of projects demonstrating outstanding achievement in historic preservation.
Netflix Egyptian Theatre
The 2024 Chair’s Award serves as a remarkable model for how creative partnerships can help save the historic use and heritage of an iconic landmark, as it marks an exciting new chapter in history. This revitalization project tells the story of Hollywood and American cinema’s past, present, and future.
Alcoholism Center for Women
This project celebrates fifty years of a path-breaking treatment program for women located in adaptively reused historic homes, where storytelling and community building are embedded into its preservation efforts—demonstrating the power of historic preservation to support crucial community services.
Bailey House (Case Study House #21)
A part of the innovative Case Study House Program, this home, built in the Mid-Century Modern architectural style, was meticulously restored, preserving a beautiful and rare example of steel-frame residential architecture.
City of West Hollywood Historical Context Study
This document represents a city’s resolve to understand its history and patterns of discrimination as it strives to become an equitable place to live, work, and play.
The Paramount/Brooklyn Avenue Pizza Co.
A touchstone of cultural commerce, this rehabilitated Renaissance Revival structure evolved into a hub of vibrant music, education, and shared community heritage.
Rubel Castle Historic District
This ambitious assessment and plan offer a whimsical historic district known for its monumental folk-art architecture a roadmap to the future.
Small Biz Hype Squad
Under the auspices of a social service and community development organization, this Little Tokyo squad is a pioneering example of how community-driven initiatives can preserve legacy businesses and nurture cultural vibrancy in a historic neighborhood.
UCLA Faculty Club
Representing the triumph of community advocacy and collaboration, this project preserves a distinctive Modern Ranch-style institutional building for future generations.
VA West Los Angeles Campus: Buildings 205 & 208
As a public-private partnership with Veterans Affairs, this project offers valuable lessons to expedite future affordable housing developments for veterans while embracing a historic district’s legacy.
VA West Los Angeles Campus: Building 207
This project represents the ability of historic preservation to address contemporary social issues while providing high-quality and much-needed affordable housing for veterans.
The 2024 Preservation Awards will be held on Thursday, May 16th, at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. This annual celebration is a rare opportunity for hundreds of business and community leaders to hear inspirational stories of how historic preservation strengthens communities and fosters economic development. Banc of California joins us for the first time as Presenting Sponsor of the Preservation Awards.
Preservation Award recipients are selected by an independent jury of leading experts in architecture, historic preservation, and community development.
Preservation Award recipients are selected by an independent jury of leading experts in architecture, historic preservation, and community development. 2024 PRESERVATION AWARDS JURY:
Cindy Olnick, Jury Chair
Associate Director, Heritage Conservation Programs, USC Preservation Communications Consultant
Kirsten Albrecht
Co-Founder, We Are Historic LA
LA Conservancy Community Leadership Boot Camp Graduate (Class #7)
Jim Coyle, AIA, NCARB IA Senior Project Manager
Tim Barber Architects
Sarah Lorenzen
Principal, TOLO Architecture
Professor, Cal Poly Pomona
Christina Park
City Planner, Office of Historic Resources, Los Angeles City Planning
Board Member, Asian and Pacific Islander Americans in Historic Preservation
Since 1982, the Los Angeles Conservancy has honored excellence in historic preservation through its annual Preservation Awards. The awards are selected by an independent jury of experts in architecture, historic preservation, and community development.
Award recipients range widely, from sensitive restoration, rehabilitation, and adaptive reuse projects, to groundbreaking advocacy and education efforts by individuals and groups.
In addition to the project awards, the Conservancy bestows a special Chair’s Award for exceptional contributions.
The Los Angeles Conservancy is a nonprofit membership organization that works through education and advocacy to recognize, preserve, and revitalize the historic architectural and cultural resources of Los Angeles County. What began as a volunteer group in 1978 now has nearly 5,000 member households, the largest membership of any local preservation organization in the U.S.
Lisett Chavarela
Director of Communications
Los Angeles Conservancy