Sarah Hayes on: Wilshire and Fairfax

I grew up in Hancock Park, and when I was about 12 or 13 my best friend, Kathryn, and I each got a bus pass, and this was our first taste of freedom.
The bus we took most was the one down Wilshire Boulevard. We went to Wilshire and Fairfax and went shopping at the May Company and Ohrbach’s across the street.
It was so exhilarating to do this on our own. We were not doing high fashion shopping, in fact, I think what we bought were overlarge t-shirts to wear with our jeans.
We also took the Wilshire Bus to the beach in Santa Monica. It seemed so miraculous to us that we could get there on our own, that we didn’t mind the rather long, hot trip.
As a parent of a nine-year-old, I wonder that my parents let us do this, but I guess we all felt safer about things then.
I am so glad that you are doing a program on Wilshire Boulevard. In fact, I applaud all of your work.
When the May Company building was threatened with demolition, I wrote letters to Councilman Ferraro (at the request of the Conservancy) and I was so relieved when the building was saved. Every time I go to an exhibit there or even just drive past, I am so glad it is still there!
Thank you for what you do.