Report Card Resources
The following resources can help with various aspects of a community's historic preservation program. Although some are statewide or national, they all play important roles in local preservation. We will add to this list over time, and we welcome suggestions for additional resources.
Model Ordinance for Historic Preservation (PDF)
A starting point for understanding the elements of a preservation ordinance, but in no way intended as a complete example. Each community needs to tailor its ordinance to its specific needs, as well as have it reviewed by an attorney to make sure it is consistent with the local statutory framework.
Preservation Glossary (PDF)
Basic terms related to historic preservation, some specific to Los Angeles.
Overview of Preservation Incentives (PDF)
An introduction to the financial and construction incentives that can make a significant difference in preserving buildings and can provide significant benefits to both property owners and the public at large.
Guide to Conservation Easements
Information about the single best way to protect a historic building, which ensures long-term protection and can also offer potential tax benefits.
Historical Research Guide
Tips and contact information for researching properties in the City of Los Angeles, but with information that will help in other communities as well.
Landmark THIS!
An overview of the local landmark designation process, with the City of Los Angeles as an example but with information applicable to other communities as well.
How to Save Historic Places
An introduction to the basic approaches to saving historic places through landmark designation, the use of the California Environmental Quality Act, and public action.
2014 Preservation Report Card PDF
A printable version of the information on this microsite (as of March 2014).
Guide to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
An easy-to-use guide (available in English and Spanish) to using one of the most powerful preservation tools in California.
California Preservation Foundation
Statewide preservation nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving California’s diverse cultural heritage and historic places.
California State Office of Historic Preservation (OHP)
Responsible for administering federally and state-mandated historic preservation programs to further the identification, evaluation, registration, and protection of California's irreplaceable archaeological and historical resources under the direction of the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), a gubernatorial appointee, and the State Historical Resources Commission.
More Statewide Organizations in California
Additional organizations that work statewide but can help with local preservation programs.
Certified Local Government (CLG) Program, National Park Service
A preservation partnership between local, state, and national governments focused on promoting historic preservation at the grassroots level.
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC)
The only national nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting local historic preservation commissions and the historic resources they help protect.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
A privately funded nonprofit organization, working to save America's historic places, with field offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Technical Preservation Services, National Park Service
Develops historic preservation policy and guidance on preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings, administers the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program for rehabilitating historic buildings, and sets the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Secretary's Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties
The nationally accepted standards for how historic buildings should be rehabilitated.
More National Preservation Organizations
Additional organizations that work nationwide but can help with local preservation programs.