Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration / Los Angeles County Hall of Administration
The L.A. County Hall of Administration is a striking example of Late Moderne design and a key contributor to the Civic Center Historic District.
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The future of the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration hangs in the balance as the Board of Supervisors seeks to relocate staff from the historic center of County government to the Gas Company Tower.
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The Los Angeles County Hall of Administration is a monumental example of the Late Moderne architectural style designed by noted, local architects and artists. The team both designed the Hall of Administration and adjacent Los Angeles County Courthouse as part of the 1947 Civic Center Master Plan. This plan transformed a large portion of Bunker Hill through the westward expansion of the Civic Center and created the east-west axis of government buildings that frame today’s Grand Park.
The County Hall of Administration was completed in 1960 and until today has served as the seat of the County government. In November 2024, the L.A. County Board of Supervisors voted to purchase the Gas Tower Company and consolidate staff operations at the building.
The County Hall of Administration and County Courthouse have both been determined eligible for the National Register by a consensus through the Section 106 process, and listed in the California Register. They are also contributing structures in the Los Angeles Civic Center Historic District, which is also eligible for listing in the National Register.
About This Place
About This Place
The monumentally scaled County Hall of Administration spans two city blocks with prominent entrances facing both Temple Street and along its south façade facing Grand Park. The building is clad in panels of ceramic veneer with the lower floors featuring polished red granite.
Hallmarks of its Late Moderne design include its spare detailing and smooth surfaces, strong horizontal emphasis and angular volumes, bands of windows within bezeled frames, and integrated planting beds. The Temple Street entrance features a monumental portico and colonnade of polished red granite, set back by a landscaped forecourt. The south façade facing Grand Park features a similar portico and colonnade.
Prior to its construction, the Board of Supervisors and other administrative and legal functions of the county government had been housed in the former 1911 Hall of Records. At the time of its completion, the Hall of Administration was noted for its lavishly appointed interior, which was critiqued by some at the time, including former Supervisor Kenneth Hahn. The Hall of Administration was in later years renamed in his honor.
A covered terrace encircles the top floor of the Hall of Administration, while long, covered balconies on the floor below form a prominent feature of the building’s design. Providing visual contrast are several vertical grid-like screens fashioned from architectural terra cotta.
The interior of the Hall of Administration is lavishly appointed. Walls are clad in polished Italian marble, while polished metal is used for numerous fixtures on the interior.
The design of the County Hall of Administration also features two integrated sculptures by sculptor Albert Stewart. Copies of his Mosaic Law and Declaration of Independence sculptures, which also appear as part of a triptych piece above the Grand Avenue entrance to the adjacent Courthouse, are finished in gold-glazed terra cotta and attached to the polished red granite base of the Hall’s south entrance, facing Grand Park.
Our Position
The Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration has long been understood to be a historic site and a key anchor of the Civic Center Historic District. We believe the County has a responsibility to maintain and steward this important asset.