Special Tour
96 Years on the FOX Studio Lot!
Sunday, April 14, 2024

About This Tour
Member presale February 28-March 5
General public sale begins March 6
Become a member to get access to this tour during presale.
Join the L.A. Conservancy for an exciting and rare opportunity to tour the historic FOX Studio Lot! Normally closed to the public, this exclusive tour led by Conservancy guides will give tourgoers the chance to amble along the original ‘streets’ and ‘boulevards’ designed as part of the principal studio’s 1928 master plan.
The architecturally eclectic lot features everything from Egyptian-themed soundstages to a Storybook chateau, as well as art murals and sites iconic to the studio’s history. Learn more about the history of classic FOX films and see the places where stars like Shirley Temple and Marilyn Monroe spent their downtime between takes.
While predominantly focused on the exterior of buildings, participants will be taken inside the FOX scoring stage to see where soundtracks for films like THE SOUND OF MUSIC were recorded. Tourgoers will also visit the famous New York Street, the outdoor New York City streetscape used in innumerable films and television.
Amid all the sights, tourgoers will learn how historic preservation is part of the future at FOX, and how the Conservancy works with studios, including FOX, to find common ground between the need to modernize and preserve the past.
90 mins.
Registration Required
Wheelchair accessible
No photography allowed
No food or beverages allowed (except water)
Ticket Information
General Public
Details & Getting There
Key Information
The tour takes approx. 60 to 90 minutes (about 1 and a half hours). The route is on flat, relatively level ground, and is wheelchair accessible. Parking at the Fox Studio Lot is included in the price of the tour. The tour is entirely outside, except for one interior. Dress for an outdoor, day-time event. Please wear comfortable shoes.
Identification: Event attendees must present identification to be allowed on to the FOX Studio lot. ID must match the information that has been provided to us. We will reach out two weeks prior to the event if you need to make any changes to your guest list.
Meeting Location
Meeting and parking information are provided in the registration confirmation.
Important Policies
- Tour will occur rain or shine.
- The L.A. Conservancy highly recommends but does not require wearing a face mask.
- The L.A. Conservancy highly recommends but does not require being vaccinated against COVID-19.
- If a member of your party is in a wheelchair, please let us know in advance by emailing info@laconservancy.org.
Additional Details
For additional details, see below.
All participants in the Los Angeles Conservancy-sponsored Walking Tours knowingly and freely accept and assume all risks, both known and unknown, including contracting and/or transmitting COVID-19 and any other communicable diseases, and AGREE TO RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, NOT SUE, AND HOLD HARMLESS the Los Angeles Conservancy, its principals, officers, employees, volunteers, sponsors, agents and other participants from any and all claims, damages (including medical expenses and attorneys’ fees), injuries and expenses arising out of, or resulting from your voluntary attendance/participation in Walking Tours, including contracting and/or transmitting COVID-19 and any other communicable diseases and any and all other injury, illness, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property. All participants expressly waive the benefits of California Civil Code 1542, which provides that: “A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.
Major funding for the Los Angeles Conservancy’s educational programs is provided by the LaFetra Foundation and the Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation.