Join the Professional Services Directory
Thank you for your interest in joining our directory!
The L.A. Conservancy’s Professional Services Directory is a collection of local preservation professionals and experts!
Throughout Greater Los Angeles, hundreds of thousands of historic structures require a special touch from someone who understands the importance of working with a building’s character. If you’re a professional with experience and expertise to work on these projects, we encourage you to advertise in the directory.
For just $120 per year, you can share your expertise with owners throughout Greater Los Angeles looking to hire professionals who can work on projects running the gamut from routine maintenance to major construction.
What We Offer
The Conservancy’s website receives tens of thousands of unique visitors each month. $120 a year puts you in the directory and in front of these potential customers. The directory is prominently featured on our website and accessible to the public, free of charge.
About the listing:
- Listings include your business information and a brief description of your work.
- You can select up to five specialty categories for your listing to be included; for an additional $60, you can select up to five more categories. (Please note that this fee only provides advertising in the directory.)
- Optional: Your logo, website, and social media links, and a photo gallery demonstrating your work.
Who Should Advertise
- Anyone who works on—and appreciates—historic buildings.
- All trades and professions involved with historic structures are welcome – building maintenance, repair, design, fabrication, finishes, sales, construction, and consultants.
How to Apply
The Los Angeles Conservancy verifies applicants before they are added to the directory. To apply, businesses must:
- Complete and submit the Application Form, Reference Form, and Specialization Checklist, with payment.
- Two references are required for recent jobs your company has completed on historic structures.
- Quality work—we expect your customers to be satisfied with your work and ability to meet the special needs of historic structures. Substantiated customer complaints may lead to removal from the directory.
- If your references look good, that’s it—you’re in the directory!
We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions about the directory, please contact us at directory@laconservancy.org.
Important! Please Read.
- The Los Angeles Conservancy makes no claims or endorsements of businesses offering any products or services listed in this directory.
- All businesses in the directory have paid the Conservancy for their listing. The directory is by no means comprehensive; businesses not listed here may be just as qualified as those included.
- As with any business transaction, remember, it’s “buyer beware.” Be sure to ask for—and verify—references.
- Protect your investment: ask for verification that businesses have the appropriate licenses and insurance coverage.
- Many cities in the county designate certain historic buildings and regulate alterations to them (for example, Los Angeles has both individual Historic-Cultural Monuments and buildings within Historic Preservation Overlay Zones). Before altering a designated structure, be sure to obtain proper permits and sign-offs from responsible city agencies (such as the City Planning Department, Department of Building and Safety, and/or the Department of Housing). If you have questions about how to do this, please contact the Conservancy at (213) 623-2489 or info@laconservancy.org.
- Be skeptical of recommendations that insist upon replacing historic elements without considering restoration. While sometimes this is necessary, restoration of historic features is always preferred and often can cost less than replacement.
- If you have any problems with someone listed in this directory, please report them to Camille Elston at celston@laconservancy.org or (213) 430-4217. Verifiable complaints may lead to the removal of a business from the directory.