Membership Benefits

In addition to taking an active role to preserve the historic places you love, being a Conservancy member comes with great benefits.

See below for a summary of membership benefits, and contact us if you have any questions or need more information. You can also download a PDF of our membership benefits (better for mobile viewing).

Please note that some of our benefits have been impacted by COVID-19. 

You can reach us at or (213) 623-2489.

Annual cost $40 $60 $100 $250 $500 $1,000+
Monthly payment N/A $5-8 $9-20 $21-41 $42-83 $84+
Bi-monthly member newsletter X X X X X X
Discounts on regular walking tours (4 tickets per tour) X X X X X X
Pre-sales and discounts for our Last Remaining Seats series of classic films in historic theatres (8 tix/screening for Benefactor and Cornerstone, 4 tix/screening all other levels) X X X X X X
Discounts on special tours (4 tix per tour) X X X X X X
Name listed in member newsletter (once a year)     X* X X X
Book about historic L.A. (new/upgrading members only)     X X X X**
Invitation for two to Opening Night of Last Remaining Seats, including reception and reserved seats         X X
Private group walking tour (by request)           X***
Additional benefits including invitations to exclusive events at historic places, recognition in event materials, and much more – see Cornerstone page for details           X

*New/upgrading only
**Individual (not Corporate) Cornerstone only
***Corporate (not Individual) Cornerstone at the $2,500+ level only

Want to give more? An individual or a business can join at the Cornerstone membership level.