Marilyn Monroe Residence
GREAT NEWS, the Marilyn Monroe Residence HCM nomination was approved by the full City Council on June 26, 2024.
The house where the legendary Marilyn Monroe lived is now a designated Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM)!

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GREAT NEWS! The Marilyn Monroe Residence in Brentwood is now a designated Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM)! On June 26 the full L.A. City Council unanimously approved the nomination—without changes—providing much-needed protections for Monroe’s final home.
Thank you to everyone who rose up to meet this challenge by voicing their support on social, via email, and in person. And we are particularly grateful to the bold leadership of Councilmember Traci Park and her team: this designation would not have happened without their passion and dedication.
Few places help illustrate the life of Marilyn Monroe better than her former Brentwood residence in Los Angeles, and who she was as a person at this point in her life. The Los Angeles Conservancy applauds the City of Los Angeles and Councilmember Traci Park for standing up for this historic house, the contributions of Marilyn Monroe, and women’s heritage. While the future of the residence remains uncertain, Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM) status provides the home with added protections against demolition, preserving Marilyn Monroe’s legacy for future generations.
On June 12, at the request of Councilmember Traci Park, the full City Council invoked a 15-day continuance. On June 4, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James C. Chalfant denied injunctive relief seeking to stop the designation of the Marilyn Monroe Residence as a Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM). This action was being sought by owners Brinah Milstein and Roy Bank who want to demolish the house. The Court sided with the City of Los Angeles, stating irreparable harm will occur if the public process is prevented from being completed.
On May 7 news announced that property owners of the Marilyn Monroe Residence filed litigation against the City of Los Angeles over the pending effort to have the house designated as a Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM).
At the March 5 City of Los Angeles Planned Land Use and Management Committee (PLUM) meeting, the Marilyn Monroe Residence cleared yet another hurdle on its journey toward Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM) designation. With the property owners requesting an extension, the HCM nomination awaits to be heard by the full City Council for a final vote.
The owners of the house announced their intent to offer the house up for relocation. While never a first choice, the Conservancy appreciates this consideration and believes HCM designation can not only allow for possible relocation but also help guide it appropriately.
News first broke in September, 2023 about the planned demolition of Monroe’s former home, prompting widespread concern and the September 8th initiation of a Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM) nomination, thanks to Councilmember Traci Park.
Hollywood’s iconic “blonde bombshell” Marilyn Monroe left us way too soon, and now her house where she lived—and died in 1962—may also be lost if we don’t act quickly. Previous owners filed plans to build a new house on the site of Monroe’s 1929 Spanish, hacienda-style home in Brentwood, and current owners are seeking to have the house demolished, whereby clearance for a demolition permit was nearly in place. While identified in 2013 by the City’s SurveyLA program as being potentially historic, the house is currently unprotected.
HCM designation would still allow owners to update and even expand the house if desired, but local designation ensures its essential character, and Monroe’s association, is maintained.
On January 18, the City’s Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC) recommended approval for the Marilyn Monroe Residence Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM). It headed to the City Council, first to the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee, and then to the full City Council for a final vote. The Conservancy greatly thanks Heather Goers, who prepared the HCM nomination on behalf of the City.
Below is testimony by the Conservancy shared with the CHC:
The Conservancy strongly supports this nomination and thanks Councilmember Park for initiating it. When we tell stories about the people and women of Los Angeles, it’s fundamentally more real and tangible when we root them in the places that help illustrate their lives, contributions, and connection to LA. Few places do this better for Marilyn Monroe than her former residence. Despite living in many places in her short but highly productive 36 years, this was the first house she sought out and bought for herself and on her own while actively working. A short tenure does not diminish her impact or association, as she spoke about this house, was photographed in this house, and was actively involved in the updating of this house, saying “Anybody who likes my house, I’m sure I’ll get along with.” It meets the HCM eligibility and warrants recognition and protection.
Our Position
The Conservancy greatly thanks Councilmember Park for initiating the Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM) process.
We will continue working with Park’s office to ensure the Cultural Heritage Commission and City Council take this important house under consideration for historic protections. We believe there is a viable path to a win-win resolution.