A typical street scene of homes in the View Park neighborhood, with the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza and the Hollywood Hills seen in the background.


Los Angeles County

Following three years of planning and effort, the County of Los Angeles adopted its first ever historic preservation ordinance, which went into effect on October 1, 2015. The ordinance becomes the central fixture of the County’s nascent historic preservation program, which includes the Mills Act property tax abatement program.

The ordinance spans a vast area including such diverse communities as Altadena, East Los Angeles, and Marina del Rey, making its impact particularly broad.

The ordinance enables the County government to designate and protect historic resources in unincorporated territory countywide, including County-owned structures, and does not require owner consent. It also allows for the designation of local historic districts.

The fees established for submitting a landmark nomination ($1,146 for nominations with owner consent, $3,818 for nominations without owner consent) are currently the highest of any jurisdiction in the County and may hinder the active nomination of landmarks.

Incentives include the waiver of parking requirements associated with designated structures and the popular Mills Acts property tax abatement program.  During the initial pilot year for the Mills Act program, eligible properties are limited to single- and two-family structures.


The first resource listed below is specific to the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. For general resources related to local preservation and our Preservation Report Card, please visit our Report Card microsite.

Historic Preservation Ordinance

Mills Act Application Process

Guide to CEQA (Conservancy website)

If any of these links are broken or incorrect, or if you would like to suggest other resources for preservation in unincorporated areas of L.A. County, please let us know by emailing info@laconservancy.org.


The scoring details for this community appear below.

Preservation Report Card

The scoring details for this community appear below. To see scores for all communities, compare specific communities and categories.

  • Total Score


  • On September 1, 2015 a new preservation ordinance was created by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

    Historic Preservation Ordinance (150) / Honorary Ordinance (10)


  • Dedicated Historic Preservation Commission (5)


  • Dedicated Preservation Staff (15)


  • Total Score


  • On September 1, 2015 a new preservation ordinance was created by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

    Historic Preservation Ordinance (150) / Honorary Ordinance (10)


  • Dedicated Historic Preservation Commission (5)


  • Dedicated Preservation Staff (15)


  • Ability to Designate Historic Districts (15)


  • Owner Consent Not Required for Designation (10)


  • Fee to file a landmark nomination with owner consent: $1,146. Fee to file a landmark nomination without owner consent: $3,818

    Active Landmark Designation (at least annually) (5)


  • Survey of Historic Resources: Citywide (15) / Partial (10)


  • Survey Updated Within Past 5 Years (5)


  • Eligible properties during initial pilot year of program limited to single- and two-family structures.

    Mills Act Incentive Program (10)


  • Additional Incentives (5)


  • Certified Local Government (5)


  • Historic Preservation Element or Plan (5)


  • Extra Credit (1-25)


Get Involved

On September 1, 2015, the Board of Supervisors passed a new preservation ordinance for the County. On October 1, 2015, the new ordinance will go into effect. 

If you'd like to get involved in preservation in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, we suggest the following resources:

County Representative

Dean Edwards
Senior Planner
(213) 974-6425

Local Groups

Altadena Heritage

Eastside Heritage Consortium on Facebook

View Park Conservancy

If any of this information is out of date, or to suggest additional groups or ways to get involved, please contact us at info@laconservancy.org or (213) 623-2489.