Architecture Tours L.A.
Architecture Tours L.A. provides driving tours throughout the Los Angeles area focusing on significant historic and contemporary architecture, history and culture.

Resource Details
Los Angeles, CA 90093
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Tours currently offered every day of the week: Downtown, Hollywood, Silver Lake, West Hollywood/Beverly Hills, Hancock Park/Miracle Mile, Pasadena, a special Frank Lloyd Wright tour, and a special Frank Gehry tour.
Custom tours can also be arranged.
Tours are guided by an architectural historian and guidebook author.
Neighborhood tours are approximately 2-3 hours in length; cost $80.00 per person. The special FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT tour is approximately 3-4 hours in length; cost is $100.00 per person. The special FRANK GEHRY tour is about 3 1/2-4 1/2 hours in length, cost is $100.00 per person.