As architects and interior designers, Omgivning listens carefully to what the building wants to be and creates design solutions for healthy, sustainable, and resilient communities.

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Los Angeles, CA 90012
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Since 2009, our work has been grounded in historic preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration. We believe in designing welcoming, inviting spaces for clients and users, with a focus on the revitalization of existing spaces for people to thrive. We believe the soul of space should embrace human-centered design principles such as light, access to nature, and flexibility all with a consideration of the human experience.
We begin our work by listening to the site, existing buildings, our client, and the consultant team to better understand how to best give authentic form and life to future uses. We have found that this process results in a space that feels new and lively, yet consistent with the tone and texture of existing spaces. Omgivning has a close working relationship and familiarity with regulatory agencies in The State of California, The City of Los Angeles, and Los Angeles County including the Office of Historic Resources and National Park Service. Many of our projects follow the Standards and Guidelines for Preservation, Rehabilitation, Restoration, and Reconstruction according to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.